Tag: surveillance
Intelligence officials leak surprise decision in whistleblower case
The Project on Government Oversight reports that a three-person panel authorized by Obama’s Presidential Policy Directive 19 concluded last May that the National Security Agency’s inspector general retaliated against a whistleblower. Based on that information, Director Michael Rogers sent IG…
Anonymous whistleblowers face daunting security challenges
The success of Edward Snowden’s disclosure of National Security Agency surveillance hinged on measures he took to prevent government detection of his communications with journalists. His contact, Laura Poitras, describes using similar measures to avoid tipping off authorities, who would…
The law NSA used to justify bulk collection of phone records has expired; now what?
Glenn Greenwald: As Bulk NSA Spying Expires, Scare Tactics Can’t Stop “Sea Change” on Surveillance Published by Democracy Now!, Republished under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
This Halloween’s creepiest film is a documentary
If you’re looking for a scary film to see this Halloween, forget warmed-over classics involving vampires, chainsaws and extra-terrestrials and get yourself to a screening of Citizenfour-–a film that out-creeps the rest with real-world villains. The story plot is high-tech…
Snowden’s asylum set to expire July 31
Edward Snowden’s current grant of asylum from the Russian government expires on July 31, but his request for a one-year extension has not yet been granted. Snowden’s attorney, Anatoly Kucherena told the Interfax news agency, “We have filed documents to extend…
What Edward Snowden’s critics forget about Daniel Ellsberg
One year ago, The Guardian published the first disclosure of secret NSA surveillance activities by Edward Snowden. Four days later, the whistleblower revealed his identity to the world. Ever since, NSA officials and supporters have disparaged Snowden as “no Daniel…
NBC broadcasts first television interview with Edward Snowden
In a taped NBC interview broadcast Wednesday night, Edward Snowden explained to interviewer Brian Williams why and how he revealed NSA surveillance programs. New details emerged about Snowden’s government work and his efforts to blow the whistle internally before going…
Glenn Greenwald says ouster of Abramson signals more “neutered” journalism at NY Times
Snowden, Poitras honored as truth-tellers at National Press Club
Telling truth to power can be a lonely, even dangerous activity. Isolation and shunning are common, making it seem like solitary confinement with invisible bars. So, it’s important that the Fertel Foundation & the Nation Institute honor truthtellers each year with…