Last week, supporters filed eight more “friend of the court” (amicus curiae) briefs in support of Robert MacLean, the whistleblowing former air marshal whose case, DHS v. MacLean, is now before the US Supreme Court.
Tag: secrecy
Hearing examines health of federal whistleblowing, finds alarming changes
At a hearing on Capitol Hill last Tuesday, witnesses delivered a combination of good news and dire predictions in testimonies on the state of whistleblowing in the federal government. The hearing, “Examining the Administration’s Treatment of Whistleblowers,” was held September…
Oversight authority gives thumbs up to classifying evidence of military wrongdoing
Snowden, Poitras honored as truth-tellers at National Press Club
Telling truth to power can be a lonely, even dangerous activity. Isolation and shunning are common, making it seem like solitary confinement with invisible bars. So, it’s important that the Fertel Foundation & the Nation Institute honor truthtellers each year with…
National security experts appeal for return to Constitutional government
NSA whistleblowers vindicated; surveillance empire strikes back
Bradley Manning receives 35-year prison sentence, dishonorable discharge
This morning, at Fort Meade, Maryland, a military court sentenced Army Private Bradley Manning for releasing classified documents to the website Wikileaks. The 25-year-old soldier said he disclosed the information to blow the whistle on US government abuses that included the brutal killing of…
Video shows NSA Director Alexander denying reports of now-confirmed domestic surveillance
A video broadcast by Democracy Now! argues for some house cleaning at the intelligence agencies, starting at the top. The video shows National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander denying the existence of domestic surveillance programs revealed by Edward Snowden, the…
Russ Tice, William Binney discuss NSA surveillance capabilities
Former NSA employees Russell Tice and William Binney discussed NSA surveillance capabilities Thursday for the PBS News Hour. Tice described evidence that NSA targeted individuals including judges, politicians and military officers. “Apparently this stuff was being done in the evenings…
Edward Snowden granted temporary asylum in Russia, leaves airport
Edward Snowden’s legal representative announced today that Russian authorities have granted the NSA whistleblower temporary asylum. Anatoly Kucherena’s announcement was confirmed by Russia’s Federal Migration service.