Glenn Greenwald: As Bulk NSA Spying Expires, Scare Tactics Can’t Stop “Sea Change” on Surveillance Published by Democracy Now!, Republished under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Tag: Glenn Greenwald
Whistleblower film wins Best Documentary Oscar
At the 2015 Academy Awards ceremony, the Oscar for “Best Documentary” went to “Citizenfour,” Laura Poitras’ dramatic portrayal Edward Snowden’s disclosure of massive surveillance by the National Security Agency. Receiving the award were director Poitras, producer Dirk Wilutzky and editor Mathilde Bonnefoy.…
This Halloween’s creepiest film is a documentary
If you’re looking for a scary film to see this Halloween, forget warmed-over classics involving vampires, chainsaws and extra-terrestrials and get yourself to a screening of Citizenfour-–a film that out-creeps the rest with real-world villains. The story plot is high-tech…
Glenn Greenwald says ouster of Abramson signals more “neutered” journalism at NY Times
National security experts appeal for return to Constitutional government
Snowden awarded 2013 Whistleblower Prize in Germany
[Update 8/31/13] Yesterday, at a ceremony in Berlin, German scientists, lawyers and activists awarded Edward Snowden with the 2013 Whistleblower Prize in recognition of his “bold efforts to expose the massive and unsuspecting monitoring and storage of communication data, which cannot…
Guardian destroys Snowden files under pressure from “very senior” UK official
Citing counter-terrorism authorities, UK detains Glenn Greenwald’s partner at Heathrow airport
Glenn Greenwald provides new information on “powerful and invasive” NSA activities
Whistleblower explains decision to disclose NSA surveillance
Above, Glenn Greenwald’s June 6 interview of Edward Snowden, the NSA contractor employee who revealed evidence of government surveillance of millions of Americans. [The Guardian]