The Project on Government Oversight reports that a three-person panel authorized by Obama’s Presidential Policy Directive 19 concluded last May that the National Security Agency’s inspector general retaliated against a whistleblower. Based on that information, Director Michael Rogers sent IG…
Tag: Barack Obama
Internal report supports VA whistleblowers’ claims; Shinseki apologizes and resigns
President Obama announced Friday that he had accepted the resignation of Eric Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs.Sloan D. Gibson will replace Shinseki as acting secretary. Ron Nabors, White House Deputy Chief of Staff, will aid Gibson in the transition and…
VA crisis exposes cost of whistleblower reprisal
The Department of Veterans Affairs is embroiled in a scandal: Employees “cooked the books” to hide extraordinary delays in scheduling healthcare appointments. In Phoenix, 40 veterans reportedly died while waiting for appointments say sources who came forward last month. But, the…
National security experts appeal for return to Constitutional government
Colbert Report: “Ed Snowden has ruined the President’s surprise”
[Updated 8/18] The August 16 edition of the Colbert Report covered President Obama’s recent communications about NSA surveillance programs. Appearing August 6 on Jay Leno’s late-night television program, the President told viewers, “There is no spying on Americans. We don’t…